Would you like to sponsor a path?

What does sponsoring a path involve?

The Ramat de Camins trail is made up of over 300 km of ancient paths, a very extensive network which needs to be carefully looked after and maintained. Public entities such as town councils, regional councils, national and natural parks are not in a position to look after these paths in their entirety, many of which are off the beaten track. As we consider the paths valuable heritage, we’d like to make our own small contribution, at least along the paths which make up our route. If you’d like to help preserve these age-old paths you can actually sponsor a section.

How to sponsor a path.

Whether acting on your own behalf or representing a company or organisation, you can choose one of the following options:

  • “MECENES” SPONSORSHIP: for anyone wishing to take care of the costs of conditioning a section on a one-off or ocasional basis. Choose one from the “Camins malalts” list and get in touch with us (info@ramatdecamins.cat / tel. 973 250 007).
  • “GUAITA” SPONSIRSHIP: choose a path on the Ramat de Camins trail (including its variants). You’ll be responsable for walking the section from time to time and relaying any related issues to us (info@ramatdecamins.cat / tel. 973 250 007).
  • “LO COMÚ” SPONSORSHIP: “Lo comú” was the term used in the past to describe communal tasks which everyone was obliged to do for the common good of Pyrenean villages. If you choose this option, select a section of the trail and let us know, and you will take responsibility for its maintenance (info@ramatdecamins.cat / tel. 973 250 007).

In return for your sponsorship:

  • Your name and logo (in the case of compayies) will appear on the Ramat de Camins website on the corresponding stage description and other related publications which may be produced.
  • You will receive information periodically about your sponsored path.

“Camins malalts” sections

This list is currently being compiled and will be published shortly.

Sponsored sections

This list is currently being compiled and will be published shortly.

Map of sponsored sections

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