Would you like a path as a friend?

The “Camí Amic” (Path Friend) project is designed to make children and young people aware of the importance of paths as heritage. We want paths to be respected, which means appreciating them from an early age onwards. This project is intended for schools.

Paths as friends for schools

f you’re a school and you’re interested in each class adopting its own path from the Ramat de Camins trail as a friend, get in touch with us to discuss the best option (info@ramatdecamins.cat / tel. 973250007).

Based on the “Camí amic” scheme an annual outing can be organised (adapted to different school years and curriculums) to walk the path, study its location on the map and discover its plants and flowers, animals that may live there, the landscape, geography, cultural heritage and so on.

If the path is sponsored, there may be a chance to develop a link with sponsor and in the case of high schools even help with maintenance tasks.

List of “Camins amics

This list is currently being compiled and will be published shortly.

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