Ramat d’aventures

Follow in the footsteps of Camilo José Cela, Josep Maria Espinà and Núria Garcia Quera, at the same time as enjoying adventure sports.

Come and have fun with a day hiking and a day of adventure sports (rafting or canyoning).

Prices include

  • Transport of baggage/equipment to accommodation
  • 1 night in accommodation (bed and breakfast)
  • 1 picnic lunch
  • Transfer back to your own vehicle
  • Basic insurance and contact number
  • Dossier and GPS tracks for stage

Prices in the region of

130€ per person (minimum group of 4 people))

Basic itinerary (variations available, according to clients’ needs and preferences):

  • Day 1: Discovering the Siarb valley we head up to the viewing point in the village of Tornafort, where the two writers had breakfast, and home to the creator of the Ramat de Camins, Núria Garcia Quera.
      Route: Baro – Malmercat – Tornafort – Saverneda – Sort
  • Day 2: Morning rafting or canyoning.
      No previous experience needed. The minimum age depends on the volume of water and time of year. Prices include all equipment and transport needed, along with two professional guides from La Rafting Company.

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